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Friday, December 01, 2006

College Football Blog Awards

Joel from Rocky Top Talk and Brian from MGoBlog have teamed up to create the first college football blog award-thingie. I think it is a great idea to award the amazing work that people are doing, while developing a stronger network of CFB bloggers. The creators are looking for help, however, from us bloggers and from our readers to aid in its development.

Presently they are seeking names both for the event itself and for the individual awards. Essentially the award categories will be similar to: Best Overall Blog, Funniest, Best Analysis, Best Prose, Best Weekly Feature, Most Influential, etc.

A few other notes: At this point the title of the event should include BlogPoll in some way. However, the event is open to all blogs that cover college football, not just those with BlogPoll votes.

I'm terrible at things like this, but maybe you guys have some ideas. If so please leave your suggestions in the comments.