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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Quick DXP Tourney Update

Sorry I have not been keeping the DXP Tourney Challenge more up to date. Dr. D and I just got back from blowing up South Beach over the past week and we're not proud to report there were no arrests and therefore no mug shots to show.

The DXP tourney has come down to the following four contestants: Husker Mike (currently 1st), Jeffie Husker (currently 2nd), Timmy Rose (currently tied for 3rd with E. Drey), and T. Francis (currently tied for 5th with J. Hughes). Well done so far. The heated battle for last place has come down to Sammy Vegas and Hi Plains Drifter (B. Vogel) with HPD guaranteed at least a tie for last (BLV, thanks for not letting me get shown up).

For all of the contestants and especially the winner, we thought we would have a little celebration and hire the party planners who threw Matt Leinart his 24th birthday celebration last weekend. Apparently they do good work. Thanks to for providing us with a few examples (and for confirming that ALL of the girls pictured below graduated high school in 2006 and are 19 and 20 years of age).

Please RSVP.