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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

DXP Bowl Game Pick'em Final Results

And the winner is...Brandon Vogel Brennan Vogel. Congratulations. Brennan is the brother of Brandon who was the winner of FOXSports' second ever Next Great Sportswriter competition. You can read Brandon's blog here. Despite Brandon's writing talent, clearly Brennan is the college football expert in the family.

Dr. D had a chance to come away with the win, but much like the bars at closing time, the good doctor walks away empty handed.

Props to my Mom for a solid finish in the Top 20. I won't run down the list of folks that she finished ahead of, but you know who are...cough...Sammy Vegas...cough

Thanks to everyone who entered the contest and I expect I'll be organizing a March Madness pool when the time comes.