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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

College Smokeshow of the Week: Florida State's Margo

I realize some of you have been wondering about our lack of college coeds lately. Well, it's time to put the football down as I pegged today as the day it all returns. You might find this hard to believe, but I've been stockpiling college girls (pictures that is) ever since the conclusion of the first annual Poon-per Bowl.

Our weekly/biweekly "College Smokeshow of the Week" feature will begin today and will show coeds from coast to coast, school to school. "Take the Double Extra Points" will still be exactly the same as in year's past which means you are getting a double dose of college girls every week throughout the fall.

After sifting through photos of the candidates and after hours of deliberation, I had to make a very important executive decision about who gets the coveted honor of gracing the inaugural post. I have decided to buck the trend of cheerleaders/models and choose Margo (HT BC), who is a Florida State soccer player (remember Amanda anyone?) and whose hotness is only increased by her collegiate athletic ability.

Sure, there will be hotter girls to come, but I just had to go with an athlete this first time. Besides, have I ever you let you down before?

She's on the left in the photo below. You're on your own for the rest.